The pronvince of Santa Marta was rich in gold and the Indians had the energy to extract the gold. For this reason, the Spaniards unleashed terror attacks on them unabated. The content of two letters written by the Bishop of Santa Marta to the King is a testimony to the wicked acts of the Spaniards.
A letter dated 20th May 1541, "... the means to remedy this land is to remove from power these rascally stepfathers and to give the land a husband who will treat her with the reasonableness she deserves. And this must be done rapidly.."
In another letter, "..there are no christians in these lands; instead, there are demons. They are neither servants of God nor of the King. My greatest obstacle to bring Indians to the Faith is the harsh treatment of these Indians by Spanish Christians. The cruel acts of Spaniards gives them cause to laugh and to mock Jesus Christ and His law. Indians are preferring to die in battle after seeing the treatment meted out to the peace loving Indians. I know this from experience."
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